FORESCUE aims to develop and provide effective strategies for the conservation of macroalgal forests of the genus Cystoseira s.l. to assist environmental policymakers in the management of these valuable ecosystems.
CambioMed is a project that aims to restore and conserve the marine forests of the Mediterranean Sea.
FoRestA seeks to provide science-based information to understand the local and global processes driving the current decline of marine forests. This knowledge will set the basis to develop new tools for the conservation and recovery of marine forests facing climate change.
ConBoMar is a project that aims to restore and conserve the marine forests of the Mediterranean Sea.
Un mar de bosques aims to highlight the ecological and heritage importance of shallow marine forests dominated by brown macroalgae. Better understanding and public awareness of these habitats will help to manage and conserve them in the future.
EFFECTIVE will develop innovative marine ecosystem restoration and monitoring at different scales, to provide an integrated approach involving governance, participation and social engagement, and a new ecosystem-based management framework regarding common natural and socioeconomic links